It's Pi all the way down...

Articles for tag pi

How Noble in reason

A look at the trials and tribulations of the current LTS release, Noble Numbat (24.04 LTS)

I ain’t got NBD

The final part of the NBD netboot series, where we solve our issues with the coherence of the boot partition

NBD Does it Better

An alternative means of net-booting a Pi, using NBD instead of NFS to permit block-layer manipulation (docker overlays, snaps, etc.)

NBD Knows

The problems with NFS as a netboot system, and what the alternatives are

Making Mantic Magic

Everything you (don’t) need to do on Mantic to get the most out of the Pi 5

Dealing the (SD) Cards

A brief guide to finding reliable SD cards for the Pi

The Ubuntu Desktop

Comparing the official desktop with the cloud-init baked flavours

The Ubuntu Studio

Baking an Ubuntu Studio Lunar desktop with cloud-init

The Kubuntu Flavour

Baking a Kubuntu Lunar desktop with cloud-init

The Ubuntu Unity Flavour

Baking an Ubuntu Unity Lunar desktop with cloud-init

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