The Kubuntu Flavour
Baking a Kubuntu Lunar desktop with cloud-init
The Ubuntu Unity Flavour
Baking an Ubuntu Unity Lunar desktop with cloud-init
The Ubuntu Budgie Flavour
Baking an Ubuntu Budgie for Pi desktop with cloud-init
The Xubuntu Flavour
Baking a Lubuntu Lunar desktop with cloud-init
The Lubuntu Flavour
Baking a Lubuntu Lunar desktop with cloud-init
We Serve All Flavours!
More tricks with cloud-init for baking ready-made desktops, and the index for the forthcoming look at each of the Ubuntu flavours
Desktop on a Stick
Construct a variety of desktop flavours using cloud-init on the Raspberry Pi
4K 60Hz on a Pi
In which Dave attempts to read text on a high-DPI display, fails, and solves the problem in the most basic way possible
Playing with Blocks - ReLUKS
Making a Pi desktop with encrypted root storage (again!)
Wherefore UART Thou?
Methods of working with MicroPython, old and new